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Only the Forgotten is New 
a film by Mona Schier

Now, almost 80 years after the war, after a whole life of reflection, Klaus writes a letter to his dead father about the traumatizing experiences that were caused by him. When Klaus starts to write the letter, he is in his own place of peace and thoughtfulness, in an imaginary field. Within the letter, he explains three main stories in more detail.

A story about how an allied bomber pilot got killed in front of Klaus’eyes; when his father gave him a gun with the instruction to kill his mother and his three younger siblings in case the Russians would come to get them and how Klaus peed on his father’s shoulders when he was taken to a military parade and listened to Hitler’s speech.

These stories will be shown through animation and told by voice-over. Granddaughter Mona interviews Klaus about his childhood and the complicated and unresolved relationship with his father. Klaus explains how he did find his path in life, despite his trauma. Klaus burns the letter to his father as a symbol of him finding closure.


Only the Forgotten is New still movie

Note of Intent

Experiencing a war when you are supposed to go to school has consequences. Klaus understands very well the effect of such a traumatizing childhood on an entire life.

He knows how to deal with a changed point of view about violence or the constant fight not to become like his own father.


With this documentary, I want to make people understand the pain war causes for each individual life and the consequences across generations. The audience gets the chance to listen to and share an extremely personal and unique insight from a son of a Nazi in the Second World War. They can learn from his experiences and his lifelong reflection. Forgetting is the first step of making the same mistakes again.


Let’s not forget!

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